Need Help Finding the Cheapest Jeddah Airport to Medina Transfer?

Looking for the cheapest Jeddah Airport to Medina transfer? Explore affordable options like public bus, shared rides, and more to save on your journey.

Traveling between Jeddah Airport and Medina is a journey many undertake, whether for religious pilgrimage, business, or leisure. However, the cost of transfers can quickly add up, especially if you're not careful with your choices. This guide aims to help you find the Cheapest Jeddah Airport to Medina transfer options without compromising on safety and convenience.

Why Finding the Cheapest Transfer Matters

Travel expenses can take a significant portion of your budget, and finding affordable transfer options can help you save money for other activities or necessities during your trip. By choosing the cheapest transfer, you can allocate your budget more efficiently and enjoy your journey without financial stress.

Common Transfer Options


Taxis are a convenient option for door-to-door transfers, but they can be expensive. The average taxi fare from Jeddah Airport to Medina ranges from SAR 500 to SAR 700, depending on the time of day and type of taxi.

Public Bus

Public buses offer the most budget-friendly option, with fares starting from SAR 50 to SAR 80 per person. However, the journey takes longer, approximately 5 to 6 hours, making it suitable for travelers with plenty of time.

Shared Rides

Shared ride services like Uber or Careem provide a cost-effective alternative to taxis. You can split the cost and make savings by traveling with other passengers. Shared rides typically cost between SAR 200 to SAR 300, shared among passengers.

Car Rental

You can travel at your own speed when you rent a car. While there's an initial cost for renting a car, it can be a cost-effective option for groups or families. Car rental prices start from SAR 300 to SAR 500 for a small car.

Haramain High-Speed Railway

The Haramain High-Speed Railway offers a comfortable and efficient transfer option. With tickets starting from SAR 150 to SAR 250, depending on the class, it provides a balance between cost and comfort. The journey takes approximately 2.5 hours.

Comparing Costs and Convenience

When comparing the costs and convenience of different transfer options:

  • Taxi: SAR 500 to SAR 700, door-to-door service
  • Public Bus: SAR 50 to SAR 80, longer travel time
  • Shared Rides: SAR 200 to SAR 300, shared cost among passengers
  • Car Rental: SAR 300 to SAR 500, freedom to explore
  • Haramain High-Speed Railway: SAR 150 to SAR 250, comfortable and efficient

Tips to Secure the Cheapest Transfer

  • Book in Advance: Secure lower fares by booking your transfer in advance.
  • Travel Off-Peak: Opt for off-peak hours or days to avail lower rates.
  • Compare Prices: Research and compare prices of different transfer options.
  • Share a Ride: Consider sharing rides or renting a car with others to split the cost.

Cost Breakdown

Let's take a closer look at the cost breakdown for each transfer option:

  • Taxi: SAR 600
  • Public Bus: SAR 65
  • Shared Rides: SAR 250 (shared among 4 passengers)
  • Car Rental: SAR 400 (split between 2 passengers)
  • Haramain High-Speed Railway: SAR 200

As seen in the case study, the public bus and shared rides are the cheapest options, while the Haramain High-Speed Railway offers a balance between cost and convenience.


Finding the cheapest Jeddah Airport to Medina transfer is possible with careful planning and research. Whether you prefer a taxi, public bus, shared ride, car rental, or high-speed railway, there are several affordable options available to suit your budget and travel needs.


Q1: What is the average taxi fare from Jeddah Airport to Medina?

A: The average taxi fare ranges from SAR 500 to SAR 700.

Q2: Which is the cheapest transfer option from Jeddah Airport to Medina?

A: The cheapest options are public bus and shared rides.

Q3: How much does the public bus cost from Jeddah Airport to Medina?

A: The public bus costs around SAR 50 to SAR 80 per person.

Q4: Is the Haramain High-Speed Railway a cost-effective option?

A: Yes, the Haramain High-Speed Railway offers a balance between cost and comfort, with tickets starting from SAR 150 to SAR 250.

Q5: How can I save money on transportation from Jeddah Airport to Medina?

A: Plan ahead, travel off-peak, compare prices, and share rides to save money on transportation.

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