Keeping Up with the Flow: Kick Plates for High-Traffic Areas

High-traffic regions are harsh on doors. These entryways take a lot of abuse, from scuffs from carts and baggage to continuous foot activity. This is when kick plates come into play — unsung heroes guarding the lower part of the door, which is its most susceptible area. However, not

High-traffic regions are harsh on doors. These entryways take a lot of abuse, from scuffs from carts and baggage to continuous foot activity. This is when kick plates come into play — unsung heroes guarding the lower part of the door, which is its most susceptible area. However, not every door kick plate is made equally. Selecting the appropriate material, design, and supplier is essential in high-traffic areas.

kick plate

Why Kick Plates Matter in High-Traffic Areas

Doors in high-traffic areas face several challenges:

  • Marks and scratches: Because the door is frequently in touch with shoes, luggage, and trolleys, it may have unsightly marks and scratches on its surface.
  • Dents and Dings: When large objects strike a door, they may compromise its structural integrity and cause dents and dings.
  • Grime & Dirt: Excessive traffic causes dirt to accumulate more, giving doors a dull, disorganized look.

Kick plates serve as a defense, keeping the door safe from these common attacks. They shield the underside of the door surface from harm by taking up the majority of the impact. This prolongs the door’s life and improves its appearance, ultimately saving you money on replacements.

Choosing the Right Kick Plate Material for High-Traffic Areas

The ideal kick plate material for high-traffic areas should be:

  • Robust: Able to tolerate ongoing abrasions without displaying symptoms of harm.
  • Simple to Clean: Even after extensive usage, keep everything looking tidy and sanitary.
  • Visually Appealing: Go well with the room’s general style.

Here’s a breakdown of some popular kick plate materials and their suitability for high-traffic areas:

  • Stainless steel is an excellent choice because to its exceptional durability, scratch resistance, and sophisticated appearance. Stainless steel kick plates, such as those offered by Kick Plate Direct, are perfect for high-traffic areas due to their strength and ease of cleaning.
  • Aluminum is a strong, lightweight, and cheaply priced material. Nevertheless, metal is prone to dents and scratches in high-traffic areas.
  • Brass: It provides elegance but needs more maintenance than other materials. Since brass tarnishes more readily than other materials, it might not be the greatest choice for heavy-duty use.

Kick Plate Design Considerations for High Traffic

Beyond material, consider these design factors for your high-traffic kick plates:

  • Thickness: Opt for thicker kick plates (around 1.2mm or more) for better impact resistance.
  • Height: Choose a kick plate that covers the high-impact zone, typically extending at least 12–18 inches from the floor.
  • Surface Texture: Kick plates with a slightly textured surface can provide better grip and prevent slipping, especially in high-moisture areas. Consider options with a brushed finish or raised patterns for enhanced traction.
  • Rounded Corners: Opt for kick plates with rounded corners to minimize the risk of injury and snagged clothing.

Kick Plate Direct: Your Partner in High-Traffic Door Protection

Kick Plate Direct is a leading supplier of high-quality kick plates designed for various applications, including high-traffic areas. Their extensive selection includes:

  • Kick plates made of stainless steel come in a range of sizes, thicknesses, and finishes to meet your requirements.
  • Aluminum Kick Plates: An affordable choice for regions with moderate traffic volume.
  • Customized Kick Plates: To guarantee a precise fit for your entrances, Kick Plate Direct provides unique dimensions and configurations.

Installation and Maintenance Tips for Kick Plates in High-Traffic Areas

  • Proper Installation: For maximum safety, make sure the kick plate is firmly affixed using the right screws or adhesives.
  • Frequent Cleaning: To keep your kick plates looking neat, clean them sometimes with a moist cloth and a small amount of soap. Stainless steel kick plates may be cleaned using a stainless steel cleaner to keep their shiny look.
  • Replace as needed: Even the toughest kick plates may eventually begin to exhibit indications of deterioration. Any severely broken, warped, or loose doors should be replaced to preserve the integrity of your design.


Kick plates are an easy-to-use but reliable way to protect doors in high-traffic areas. You can guarantee your doors will be beautiful and useful for many years to come by selecting the appropriate material, style, and provider. Door security can be both functional and fashionable with kick plate choices from companies like Kick Plate Direct that are particularly made for high-traffic areas. Hence, spend money on kick plates; one kick at a time, they’ll maintain your heavily trafficked doors looking their finest.

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