Maximize Energy Savings: Key Tips for solar installation at Your Commercial Property

Thinking about harnessing solar power for your commercial property? Discover essential considerations for successful solar installation Learn about cost-effectiveness, energy savings, permits, and more.

Key Considerations for Installing Solar Panels at Your Commercial Property

Everyone knows that installing a solar panel to power a building is beneficial- both for the pocket as well as for the environment. Still, only a handful of businesses take a step in the right direction. When it comes to commercial solar installation in Queensland or elsewhere, people are always sceptical because of their lack of knowledge and will to get access to the right resources.


If you are planning to install a solar system for your business, you need to diligently research the available options. Being in touch with solar experts who have experience with commercial solar systems also help you in getting the best return on investment from a solar installation. While going for a solar installation at your commercial premises, you should keep the following things in mind:

Get your facility assessed by a certified solar technician

Choosing solar panels for your building can never be an amateur or hasty decision. If you need to get the best value, you need to contact an expert who will help you choose the right panels as per your property. A certified solar technician will conduct an inspection of the rooftop and evaluatez the area before suggesting a suitable solar system for your needs.


He/she will understand your energy requirements, consult you to analyse cost and return benefits and make sure you take a well-informed decision regarding commercial solar panels.


Not only will it help you avoid blunders but will ensure that you get the most powerful commercial solar system as per your budget. Always make sure only to contact those experts who have first-hand experience in installing commercial solar panels in your region.

Choose a suitably-sized inverter


Achieving the right balance between an inverter and solar panel enhances cost-efficiency quotient of your commercial solar system. Without choosing the perfect inverter, you will not be able to get maximum performance out of your installation. By consulting an expert solar technician,you will be able to make an informed decision. While you may be lured to buy a larger inverter as it gives you the power to expand your solar installation by adding more panels, but keep in mind that the maintenance and upkeep will also increase with size of inverter.

Minimise the occurrence of shade on solar panels


A shady roof is a nightmare for a solar panel installation. Even instances of partial shading can lead to a decrease in charging power of the solar system. If you are thinking to go solar for commercial operations, achieving cost-efficiency is of paramount importance. You need to make sure that the Solar Panel Installation receives direct sunlight during the peak hours and not even a single module is covered under shade. You can think of clipping the branches of nearby trees or install solar panel elsewhere if the sunlight is being obstructed by manmade structures.


While going for commercial solar installation in Queensland, you can always contact our experts. We would be happy to offer you an obligation-free quote and provide the right advice to make your transition happier and cost-efficient. So, what are you thinking? Go solar with Go Solar Go Green today!

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