A Guide to Treating Erectile Dysfunction

It is important to see a doctor for an examination and tests. They can make sure that ED isn’t caused by an underlying health condition and that you are getting the correct treatment.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of medical conditions. It may also be a side effect of certain medications.

Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone is an important part of the process that leads to a firm, long-lasting erection. Boosting this hormone can improve both the desire for sex and the mechanics of getting an erection, but many doctors don’t prescribe testosterone unless other symptoms like fatigue or decreased libido are present.

But research suggests that TRT can help men with low testosterone and Vidalista Black 80 medicine.  This is especially true in hypogonadal patients who are unresponsive to phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. Testosterone therapy, such as with testosterone undecanoate (TU), normalizes levels in these patients and improves erectile function and libido.

At Defy Medical, our TRT protocols optimize your testosterone levels over time and are designed to treat your specific symptoms of low T. In addition to helping with your erectile dysfunction, our TRT programs may also provide benefits for other conditions that can contribute to ED such as low libido, muscle loss, depression, and poor energy.  Our providers will review your history and symptoms to ensure that the protocol is optimized for you. We offer regular follow-up and adjustment to ensure that your symptom improvements continue. There are many known drugs that can increase the ability of men to have sex, such as:Vidalista 60mg , Vidalista CT 20 mg pill.

Physical Activity 

Exercise and other forms of physical activity are vital for overall health, but they’re also important for fighting erectile dysfunction. A variety of exercises, including kegels and pelvic floor muscle training, can help normalize or eliminate ED in men who suffer from it.

The term “physical activity” refers to any voluntary bodily movement that is produced by skeletal muscles and requires energy expenditure. This includes everything from sedentary behavior to vigorous intensity activity. It can be measured with a standard unit of intensity, known as metabolic equivalents (METs).

While exercise is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle, it’s not the only option when it comes to treating ED. Certain dietary changes can also improve symptoms of the condition, such as reducing alcohol consumption and quitting smoking.

In addition to these dietary changes, many men can benefit from oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5i), such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra). These medications work by forcing the muscle in the penis to relax and increase blood flow. They can be used on a long-term basis, in conjunction with other treatment options.

Dietary Changes

Men with erectile dysfunction may not know that diet can improve their condition. Eating a healthy diet that limits full-fat dairy, red meat and processed foods can help with blood flow to the penis during sex. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish can help reduce inflammation that contributes to ED.

Adding more spinach and other leafy greens to the diet can also improve blood flow to the penis. These vegetables contain nitrates that are converted to nitric oxide, which helps to open and expand blood vessels. This treatment option is a natural and cost-effective way to treat the physical side of ED.

Alcohol and drug use, including recreational drugs, can exacerbate erectile problems by reducing blood flow to the penis or blocking it entirely. If you think your ED is related to an underlying problem, talk to your doctor about how you can manage it. You can also discuss the possibility of counseling if anxiety or stress is contributing to your sex issues. A doctor can also recommend a lower dose of any medication you are taking or a different medicine to help with your erectile problems.

Oral Medications

Men who can't maintain an erection often find relief with oral medications, such as sildenafil (Viagra(r), vardenafil (Levitra(r)) and tadalafil (Cialis(r)). NYU Langone was among the original research sites for these drugs that have revolutionized ED treatment.

These drugs, known as PDE type-5 inhibitors, increase blood flow to the penis during arousal. They work best when taken 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity. Men who take nitrates or medicines that affect blood pressure should not use these drugs, which can lower blood pressure to dangerous levels.

Many health issues can reduce blood flow to the penis, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and smoking. Trauma or surgery to the pelvic area may also harm nerves that control erections.

In some cases, emotional or relationship problems can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction. Therapy with a counselor may help.

Other Options

Erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of an underlying health problem. Talking with a doctor can help you determine whether your ED is caused by a health condition that needs treatment.

Medications such as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are a first line of treatment for erectile dysfunction. These medications, called phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, work by amplifying the signal from penile nerves to the blood vessels. They do not cause erections on their own, and they must be used with sexual stimulation to be effective. These drugs are not aphrodisiacs and should not be taken by people taking nitrate medication for heart disease because they can cause dangerously low blood pressure.

If oral medications do not work for you, your doctor might prescribe penile injections. These are injected directly into the penis using a thin needle, typically with the drug alprostadil. Other erection-inducing medications include papaverine and phentolamine. These are often combined into a single drug, known as bimix or trimix. Some men find the idea of injecting themselves with a needle to be distasteful, but these procedures are relatively painless.


ginny miller

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