Know the right use of 844 area code

A phone number with the prefix 844 is a North American toll-free number, which implies that calling such numbers is free of charge for callers residing in the US, Canada, and other countries and territories in North America.

Your business area of operation, target audience, and level of experience can be inferred from the first three digits of your phone number. In North America, the first three digits of a phone number constitute the area code, indicating the geographical location of the number. For instance, a phone number with the area code 212 belongs to New York, while 310 is designated for Los Angeles. On the other hand, an area code like 844 covers a vast portion of North America. By choosing an 844 area code phone number instead of a local one, you can avoid associating your business with a particular city.

This approach signals to customers that you are prepared to cater to people from all corners of the continent.

Know all about the 844 area code.

A phone number with the prefix 844 is a North American toll-free number, which implies that calling such numbers is free of charge for callers residing in the US, Canada, and other countries and territories in North America. When existing or potential customers contact your business via an 844 number, they can communicate with you without worrying about incurring long-distance charges. This allows your callers to converse with you at their own pace, enabling you to provide a favorable customer experience.

The reason behind choosing the 844 area code

The increasing demand for toll-free numbers led the telecommunications industry to expand beyond the 800 prefixes. To offer businesses more alternatives, area codes like 833, 888, 866, 877, 844, and 855 were introduced. All these numbers provide a cost-free calling experience for users, with the business bearing the call charges and not the customer. 

Tips for choosing a number

When choosing a phone number for your business, consider using your business name or an industry-related term. Keep the number uncomplicated by avoiding unusual or unconventional spellings. Opt for a number that is easy to recall, such as those with rhyming digits or repeated numbers. 

Where is the location of the 844 area code?

An 844 area code is not tied to any particular city or region. Having an 844 number has its advantages because it allows businesses to reach a wide audience throughout North America. This is because callers from multiple countries can reach the number for free.

 This American toll-free number covers

  • Canada
  • Countries in the Pacific and Caribbean
  • The United States
  • Alaska

It includes

  • Anguilla

  • Dominica

  • Puerto Rico

  • Belize

  • Cayman Islands

  • Haiti

  • Costa Rica

  • Barbados

  • Panama

  • U.S. Virgin Islands

  • The Bahamas

  • Greenland

  • Mexico

  • Antigua and Barbuda

  • Jamaica

  • Saint Barthélemy

Many people view toll-free numbers as a sign of a thriving and reputable company, and having one can help to enhance your brand image.


By setting up unique and eye-catching vanity numbers, you can represent your brand with a custom mix of letters and numbers using 844 area code numbers. Toll-free numbers can be a powerful tool to attract more audiences to your brand or business, as they allow everyone to reach you without spending a single penny. Having a toll-free number can also help establish credibility and trust with your audience.

ellyse perry

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